Let's face it. Most of us have it good. We're fairly healthy, we can travel to the Mansion and Las Vegas a few times a year. We have money to play poker. Some of us have had recent health issues and still get travel.
As we celebrate our lives by doing as we please, when we please, I would still like to appeal to all of our good senses and remember those that cannot do as they please because cancer found them. While many people have survived cancer, many have not. Most of those who have survived cancer may not have except for the fact so many regular 'ole people have donated large amounts of money to find a cure; to develop new medications, to generate better procedures for treatment, and just plain make people feel comfortable while they are suffering.
To help (me) raise money for the American Cancer Society to fight cancer, I offer all of my readers two ways to help:
1. Just give cash. You can go here to help me reach my fundraising goal for the year. Many of you have helped before, and I appreciate that. Those that haven't, skip lunch a couple of times and throw a few dollars my way. Here's the link.
2. If you'd like to contribute money and also play poker while doing so, here's how you can do it:
What: Hammer Out Cancer - WPBT-POY Circuit Event
(Tournament ID 3381723 under the Private section.)
When: April 16th - Sunday
Time: 9pm EST
Where: Full Tilt Poker
How Much: $10 + $16
($15 goes to American Cancer Society so buy-in is 25+1)
Password: dahammer
This will count towards WPBT-POY points!
Also, as a favor to me....if you know any of the Full Tilt pros, please invite them. Some of them, Phil Gordon I know, has directly been affected by cancer in their lives. I'd really like to see a couple of them there.
I can't thank you all enough for giving. Be assured that your karma will be much better off for doing so.
Also, as an incentive: The biggest online donation made by a poker player by the end of April will get sent a prize. I'll offer them something I already own and send it to them. A poker book, maybe a valuable sports card, or something. Your choice.
A fundraising suggestion: Tell your coworkers that you are raising money for cancer and just "pass the hat" at your work. You'd be surprised how much you can make. Put the money you collect in the bank and keep it then donate on my webpage.
Is this for bloggers only?
Posted by: lucko21 | Thursday, April 13, 2006 at 12:38 PM
Why is Full Tilt taking a $1? Will the $1 they take be donated also?
Posted by: Kad | Thursday, March 30, 2006 at 08:00 PM
Sorry about that. Stupid Typepad doesn't always publish full-size. Thanks for the heads up.
Posted by: Easycure | Wednesday, March 29, 2006 at 03:34 PM
Hey Ez-
Cool banner. Can you make a bigger one? Standard banner size (450x70 pixels?).
Posted by: biggestron | Wednesday, March 29, 2006 at 03:32 PM