Michael Preedin
Director of Marketing & Sales
Poker Tech Reviews
[email protected]
Poker Tech Reviews Announces Launch of Beta Website
Overland Park, Kansas, 7/17/08 – Poker Tech Reviews is launching it's beta website ( on the morning of July 17th, 2008. There will be featured reviews of poker related software, feeds of leading poker bloggers, feeds to up-to-date poker news, and much more.
Tom “LifesAGrind” Jenkins, CEO of Poker Tech Reviews, created this website to fulfill a vision of "providing the definitive resource for reviews of all things Poker related. Utilizing reviews provided by the players themselves, Poker Tech Reviews will be grow to provide the most extensive listing of public opinion as it relates to poker software and hardware."
Poker Tech Reviews is committed to becoming “The Poker Review Authority” by providing detailed reviews of all things poker related that are created and written by the people that know, the poker playing public. The unique 4-ace rating system will allow anyone to review software based on three criteria: User Interface, Usability and Features. In addition, all readers will have the opportunity to review the items that have already been reviewed; as well as, comment on the review and/or the reviewer.
Poker Tech Reviews is currently looking for writers interested in doing reviews, advertisers and investors.
For additional information on Poker Tech Reviews, contact Michael Preedin ([email protected]) or visit
If you are interested in submitting a review for our consideration to publish, please go to .
If you would like to advertise on Poker Tech Reviews, please email [email protected].
ABOUT POKER TECH REVIEWS – Poker Tech Reviews is a “low-cost start-up” online company created to help poker players become better poker players.
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